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TMJ treatment Lakeway TX

Are you constantly experiencing that annoying clicking sound and a pain in your jaw? Don't brush it off and simply hope for the best! These seemingly harmless symptoms might be a wake-up call for a much more serious issue. You could be suffering from a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which affects millions of people worldwide. 


 TMD is a common and progressive condition that affects the temporomandibular joint. It significantly lowers your quality of life, causing prolonged migraines and excruciating jaw pain. TMJ issues cannot be resolved without professional assistance. Dr. Ashely Smitterman provides complete TMJ treatment near Lakeway, TX, so you no longer have to live with the stiffness or pain of TMJ issues. 


Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ, is a condition that affects the jaw and results in excruciating pain in the joint next to your ears. TMJ symptoms and signs frequently noticed include: 

  • Jaw clicking or popping sounds 
  • Chewing pain 
  • Random tooth chips or cracks. 
  • Locking of the jaw. Jaw lock 
  • Migraines and headache 
  • Earaches (pain under the ears). 
  • Dizziness. 
  • Teeth clenching and grinding. 
  • Toothaches. Bruxism 
  • Tenderness in the jaw. 
TMJ Treatment in Austin, TX

How are TMD and TMJ different?

TMJ and TMD are often used interchangeably; however, they refer to two distinct conditions. TMJ refers to the "temporomandibular joint," which is the joint that connects your mouth (mandible) to your head and regulates mobility. When you move your jaw when speaking or chewing, or when you position your fingers in front of and just behind your ears, you may feel these joints moving. TMD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) is a group of conditions that affect the TMJ and its surrounding muscles.

What triggers TMD?

Although the exact cause of TMJ is frequently unknown, it typically manifests in those who:

  • Have suffered injuries to the jawbone joint, neck, and head muscles 
  • Clenching or grinding their teeth 
  • Experience movement between the ball and socket of the joint in a disc or soft cushion. 
  • Arthritis 
  • Tensed jaw when under stress

It is important to remember that many of these conditions can co-exist and cause similar symptoms, but the treatment for each will be different. A proper diagnosis is key to the successful management and relief of your TMJ symptoms. 


If you're experiencing any signs or symptoms, it's important to consult our jaw specialist near Lakeway; they’ll be able to diagnose and treat this condition with unmatched accuracy. Our team will create a TMJ treatment plan centered on your needs, and our TMJ dentist near Lakeway, Dr. Smitherman, will evaluate you and create a personalized treatment plan. This may include:

  • Oral appliance therapy - custom-made mouth guard or splint 
  • Medication 
  • Undergoing lifestyle changes 
  • Help with practicing stress management techniques

Why choose nonsurgical treatment options

We are aware of how TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain can severely lower your quality of life and be extremely disruptive. We advise anyone seeking relief from TMJ to consider our nonsurgical treatment options. Dr. Smitterman, our TMJ dentist, provides a number of nonsurgical methods to lessen TMJ pain. 


You can achieve pain relief through nonsurgical treatments before exploring any surgical TMJ treatments. They can help improve your posture, prevent future TMJ flare-ups, and help you regain your normal jaw movement. They can also offer long-term relief so you can avoid surgery because it carries the risk of complications like infection, hemorrhage, and nerve damage. Surgery might not address the root cause of TMD because it is a complicated condition with many different contributing factors. The root cause of TMD symptoms can be treated conservatively using methods like dental appliance therapy. 


We work hard to deliver the best possible TMJ care for our patients. Instead of only treating the symptoms with medicine, our committed team works on identifying the underlying cause of TMJ pain. To decide the best course of action for relief, our TMJ dentist near Manor utilizes cutting-edge imaging technologies and the best treatment techniques. We are here for you, whether you are seeking preventive measures or have chronic TMJ pain. Come in and talk with us.

Contact our office to book an appointment to speak to our jaw specialist near Manor about what treatment option would be right for you.


  • What are oral appliances for TMJ?

    Oral appliances are a part of TMD therapy. This non-invasive, drug-free procedure aims to reduce TMD stiffness, pain, and discomfort. Similar to a mouthguard, TMJ appliances are worn in the mouth and fit over the upper or lower teeth. The cause and severity of TMD, among other things, determine how long patients must use an appliance. TMJ problems are frequently chronic, which means they don't go away by themselves. In most situations, oral appliance therapy, commonly referred to as "splint therapy," can reduce the uncomfortable TMD symptoms over a few months and thereafter give joint stability.

  • What happens when TMJ goes untreated?

    A lot of people tend to delay getting medical treatment for as long as they can because they don't want to spend the time or money on trying to get their condition under control, or they downplay their issues. Although delaying treatment will save you time and money, it won't spare you from the suffering and consequences of doing so. It is the same with TMJ dysfunction. You run the risk of developing more severe symptoms and other health issues if TMJ is not treated. These may include: 


    • Chronic jaw pain - This is among the first symptoms you'll experience if you don't get treatment for TMJ disease.  
    • Recurrent headaches and migraines - The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the skull, which is why TMJ issues can cause headaches. Your skull, your neck, and your back are all surrounded by muscles that run along the joint. Headaches can result from joint inflammation because they might impact the surrounding muscles. 
    • Injury to joints and inflammation - Imagine a broken bone in the jaw joint. The break will worsen if you don't put it in a cast and wait for it to heal naturally. Your jaw joint is similarly affected. Your condition will deteriorate if you don't give it time to rest and recover. 
    • Tinnitus -Imagine having a car alarm go off continuously throughout the day. This is what it's like to have tinnitus all the time. Your tinnitus will only get worse if you don't get TMJ therapy. 
  • What can I expect during treatment?

    The TMJ appliance or splint therapy process is not scary. Once the device is designed, fitted, and adjusted by our jaw specialist near Lakeway,  it can be painless and simple to adhere to. Modern digital imaging, impression, and examination techniques will be used in a full evaluation. You will see our TMJ specialist on a regular basis for check-up visits once you have been equipped with a personalized TMJ appliance. Your development will be evaluated, and if necessary, therapeutic adjustments will be made to make sure TMD pain is reduced. TMD treatment is highly interactive and hands-on with a qualified therapist.

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